Thursday, January 12, 2012

the road to Siem Reap

The express bus (Ford Transit with seats) was definitely the fastest way to travel, 50% of the time was spent on the wrong side of the road overtaking and occasionally even overtaking the overtakers, horn honking every 5 seconds. There was a stark contrast between new Cambodia, the DVD player showing a Luc Besson action flick (perhaps to distract the passengers from the driving) and the oxen plowing the fields outside, very old Cambodia. Arriving in Siem Reap was a big improvement, modern city, wide streets, many new hotels, lush gardens etc. all a result of the tourist demand for Angkor.
Arrived at the guest house to discover the first error on the part of the tour planner (also the writer). It transpired that the cost was $60 for 3 nights including a 2 day guide package, not $60 per night. The proprietor was not surprised when we said we weren't staying ( the look on Clare's face said it all) and we were driven to a nearby hotel some 3 stars up the rating scale. The only room available was a junior suite and the bellman who showed it to us prior to taking it was very kind to advise that we should ask for a discount so in the end we have superb accommodation for $120. Gives new meaning to the concept of helpful staff.
The best advice we can give on Angkor is to Google it! After one day touring what is a huge National Park it is clear that we have absolutely the SLOWEST tuk tuk in Cambodia, but who's in a hurry? Impossible to capture in pictures but a here are a few.

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